Admission on Transferred Uniform Bar Examination Score

Article II, Rule 1B

​Individuals seeking full admission to the Rhode Island Bar by transferring a Uniform Bar Examination (UBE) score, please see Article II, Rule 1B of the Supreme Court Rules for Admission of Attorneys and Others to Practice Law and Rule 3(b) of the Board of Bar Examiners Rules of Practice Governing Admission on Examination and by Transferred Unform Bar Examination Score Rule 3(b) for eligibility requirements.​

Transfer of Scores

​Contact the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) to have an official UBE Score Transcript and official Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) Score Report transferred to the Clerk of the Supreme Court prior to the filing of a Petition for Admission to the Rhode Island Bar on Transferred UBE Score.

Transferred scores are to be received by the Clerk of the Supreme Court prior to submittal of a Petition to assist with eligibility determination.


​Rhode Island Supreme Court
Clerk’s Office
Licht Judicial Complex
250 Benefit Street, 7th Floor
Providence, Rhode Island 02903
(401) 222-3272 telephone
(401) 222-3599 facsimile​

If applicants experience technical problems submitting filings through the Rhode Island Supreme Court Attorney Portal (RISCAP), please call this toll-free number at 1-833-307-2324 or email support at ​and explain the difficulties you are having with the RISCAP system.​​