District Court

Veterans Treatment Calendar


"No More Left Behind"

In April 2011, Chief Judge Jeanne E. LaFazia pioneered the establishment of the first Veterans Treatment Calendar in New England within the District Court. This groundbreaking initiative, initially part of a pilot program funded through a SAMHSA (Federal Department of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services) grant, aimed to address veterans d​iagnosed with trauma-related disorders. The calendar's purpose was to seamlessly integrate support and treatment plans into the judicial process and direct veterans toward a specialized program. Focused on diverting offenders from incarceration, the program emphasizes rehabilitative alternatives tailored to meet the unique needs of veterans.

Since inception, the Veterans Treatment Calendar has received over 1,300 referrals and has graduated over 600 veteran and active duty participants.​​​​​​​​

General Information

The Veterans Treatment Calendar is a voluntary program that is designed to assist veterans involved in the criminal justice system and address issues that led to contact with the court. The Veterans Treatment Calendar is court¬ supervised which means that you will have regular court appearances before a designated judicial officer who will supervise your progress in the program.

The judicial officer has final discretion to decide admission into the program in accordance with the written eligibility criteria. The written legal and clinical eligibility criteria do not create a right to enter the specialized program, but rather, provide guidelines for the discretion of the judicial officer.​


Embracing a problem-solving approach, the Veterans Treatment Calendar is dedicated to the individualized rehabilitation of participants. Our mission is to equip veterans with the essential tools and skills, address distinctive challenges, and facilitate a successful reintegration into society. The specialized calendar aspires to guide veterans toward maintaining a productive and law-abiding lifestyle within the community and fostering lasting positive change on a case-by-case basis. ​


The objectives of the Veterans Treatment Calendar are as follows:

  • Rehabilitate Veteran Participants: Facilitate a comprehensive rehabilitation process tailored to the unique needs of each veteran involved;
  • Provide Tools and Skills to Address Challenges: Equip participants with the necessary tools and skills essential for effectively addressing the challenges veterans face;
  • Facilitate Successful Reintegration into Society: Support veterans in the journey to successful reintegration into society by offering guidance and resources;
  • Promote Sobriety, Recovery, and Stability: Foster an environment that encourages and supports sobriety, recovery, and overall stability among the participants;
  • Focus on Recovery and Productivity: Emphasize the importance of recovery and empower veterans to become productive, law-abiding citizens, contributing positively to the community; and
  • Alumni Network: In early 2023, the Veterans Treatment Calendar proudly launched an Alumni Group, now known as the Veterans Treatment Calendar Alumni Network. Over the past year, the Alumni Network has disseminated twelve (12) monthly newsletters (mail cquigley@courts.ri.gov to receive the newsletter), fostering connections among veterans by highlighting tailored activities and opportunities each month. The Alumni Network has consistently organized a monthly coffee meet, providing a welcoming space for alumni to gather and share experiences. Additionally, the group has successfully hosted two (2) alcohol-free activities, contributing to a supportive and engaging community for veteran’s post-treatment court involvement.​​​

Referral Process

A referral can be made at any point prior to disposition of the criminal case. Referrals are accepted from various sources including the individual, judicial officer, court staff, treatment providers, sheriff’s department, attorneys, police, probation, and family members. The court staff completes a risk and needs assessment after establishing a person’s legal and veteran status and obtaining a criminal history. The Veterans Treatment Calendar team then meets to decide if admission would be in the best interests of the veteran and public safety. ​