Family Court Juvenile Clerk’s Office The Juvenile Clerk’s Office processes and maintains all matters related to juvenile justice and child welfare. These matters include the following. Wayward and negligent petitions filed by police departments; Dependent, neglect, and abuse petitions filed by the Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF); DCYF voluntary and involuntary petitions for the terminations of parental rights; DCYF petitions for guardianships of minors; DCYF petitions for adoptions of minors; DCYF petitions for voluntary placement of a minor in state care; DCYF voluntary extension of care petitions for youth who are transitioning to adulthood; Civil certifications for hospitalized minors filed by the hospitals; Administrative appeals from DCYF decisions; Immigration filings for minors who have come to this country with one (1) or no parents; “Mary Moe” petitions for minors who are seeking an abortion without parental consent; Private adoptions of minors; Confirmatory adoptions of minors; Parentage Act petitions for parties seeking to establish parentage; and Voluntary Adoption Reunion Registry applications for adoptees and biological parents seeking to reunify. The office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the days that the court is open to the public. Time restraints prohibit the processing of emergency petitions presented after 3:00 p.m. Contact Juvenile Clerk’s Office Garrahy Judicial Complex One Dorrance Plaza Providence, Rhode Island 02903 (401) 458-3290 Contact the Court Quick Links 1Adoption Petition1Confirmatory Adoption Petition1Voluntary Registration Application and Affidavit